Ben · 11 following · 4 followers

You may remember me from microblogging platforms such as mastodon, and

This is a single user instance I've set up as a slightly obscured account using @hollo


This is my experiment with a dumbed-down single user instance.


Testing, testing. Single user instancing ain't easy.

Ben · Reply to allrite's post

Disturbing, some gruesome and sexualised content

@allrite what an unusual place

Ben · Reply to Mike Lynch's post

Elon musk

@fsvo @liamvhogan Henry Ford was a manufacturing genius. I won't be taking any further questions at this time.

Ben · Reply to Liam :fnord:'s post

Elon musk

@liamvhogan I'm pretty sure he'd be up for the challenge

Ben · Reply to JP's post

@daedalus The adults are in charge

Ben · Reply to Liam :fnord:'s post

@liamvhogan @ULTROS_PROFESSIONAL @coolandnormal wtaf, this is a cry for help

Ben · Reply to Weird Estate's post

@weirdestate I was thinking about how real estate agents themselves are likely to be a source of quasi-AI junk soon. Touched up photos, extrapolating floorplans from photos, etc.


I understand the hermit impulse but maybe it's time to do something about your social anxiety…

Gil Hova's avatar
Gil Hova

How can I make fun of this, I would do exactly the same thing in this position

A news article from The Independent. Headline: “Hiker lost for 24 hours ignored phone calls from rescuers because they came from unknown number” Subhead: “The hiker told officials they did not know rescue teams were trying to call them”
A news article from The Independent. Headline: “Hiker lost for 24 hours ignored phone calls from rescuers because they came from unknown number” Subhead: “The hiker told officials they did not know rescue teams were trying to call them”
Ben · Reply to Bern's post

@Bern @ben @liamvhogan I think it doesn't do that in most clients and def doesn't happen mail server-side. Some clients may strip addresses but it's not standard afaik.

Ben · Reply to Liam :fnord:'s post

@liamvhogan You need to be careful deploying it though. If it's a dummy they often reply all and the cat's out of the bag. Better to FW: IMHO.


This is my experiment with a dumbed-down single user instance.

Ben · Reply to Weird Estate's post

@weirdestate have you received much specticism in the past? Your stuff is always sourced!